Steam Boiler Capital Cost Estimation
Steam boiler is an industrial boiler that heats water to a certain temperature and produces high-temperature steam, and is large-scale thermal energy equipment. During the operation of the boiler, the enterprise needs to consider its operating cost to ensure that it conforms to the principle of economical application during use and minimizes the cost. The following are the economic indicators that enterprises using steam boilers need to account for.
Boiler room construction and material cost
The boiler room water treatment chemicals, ash cleaning agent, slag remover, lubricant, reducing agent, etc., are apportioned to each ton of steam based on the total annual consumption, and are included as fixed expenses when calculating the cost.
Water and electricity costs
The electricity cost of the boiler in operation is calculated based on the power meter and the electricity price performance. For units that use the pressure difference between the boiler and the steam-using department to generate power through the pressure difference of the back pressure turbine generator set, the electricity price can be calculated according to the power generation cost; the fee can be calculated as the product of the water meter reading and the unit price.
Boiler maintenance and depreciation costs
During the operation of the steam boiler, it is inevitable that there will be some failures. At the same time, because the boiler is special equipment, it needs to be repaired once a year and a major repair every 2-3 years. The cost should be included in the operating cost; the depreciation period of the general steam boiler it can be set as 10-15 years, and the annual depreciation rate can be calculated at 7%-10% and allocated to the operating cost per ton of steam.
Other miscellaneous expenses
It mainly includes the salaries and management expenses of the personnel in the steam boiler room.
Fuel cost used
This is the second largest expenditure besides the cost of purchasing the boiler. According to the fuel, it can be divided into coal-fired and oil-fired gas steam boilers. The fuel combustion cost can be calculated by the product of the actual consumption and the unit fuel price. The price is related to the type and quality of fuel, and the transportation cost should be included. As the price of coal is equal to that of natural gas and oil, and the characteristics of the fuel when it is burned, it is necessary to select the appropriate fuel according to the company’s own situation.
Fuel cost used
This is the second largest expenditure besides the cost of purchasing industrial boiler. According to the fuel, it can be divided into coal-fired and oil-fired gas steam boilers. The fuel combustion cost can be calculated by the product of the actual consumption and the unit fuel price. The price is related to the type and quality of fuel, and the transportation cost should be included. As the price of coal is equal to that of natural gas and oil, and the characteristics of the fuel when it is burned, it is necessary to select the appropriate fuel according to the company’s own situation.
If you want to know more about the detailed cost of industrial steam boiler, please feel free to contact us via online chat, email and phone. Our sales staffs are very happy to provide you with a suitable solution.
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